St. Mary's exists to nurture the whole child through a Catholic Christian setting that aids in the development of the whole child: spiritually, academically, socially, and physically. As part of a Catholic community living out the Gospel message, the school and family collaborate to nurture self-worth, respect, and an appreciation of the pursuit of knowledge.
Click on these links to see the website of St. Mary School and their Facebook Page
PSR is an opportunity for a weekly religion class for students who attend public schools. Grades 1-6 have classes on Wednesday nights from 6:30pm-7:30pm. Grades 7-9 have classes on Sundays at 11:15am. To register for PSR contact the parish office at 419-943-2952.
RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Are you someone or do you know someone who:
•has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic?
•is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and Catholic Church?
•has a child over the age of seven who has not been baptized?
•was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, reach out to Fr. Randy to learn more. Instead of having a group RCIA class, Fr. Randy will meet with you individually and see where you are at on your faith journey. Then, he will journey weekly with you and your sponsor one-on-one as you learn more about the Catholic faith. You will also be given the opportunity to ask questions about those beliefs. When Fr. Randy and you decide that you are ready to be brought into the Catholic Church, a date will be set to celebrate the sacraments. Meeting with Fr. Randy does not mean you are fully committed to becoming Catholic, this will be a decision you discern throughout the process. If interested, or have further questions, please reach out to Fr. Randy at 419-943-2688. Please keep in prayer the three candidates and catechumens who are presently journeying with Fr. Randy on this exciting and life-changing endeavor.
Preparation for 1st Reconciliation
We celebrate the Eucharist each Sunday because Christ asks us to gather, to remember all that He did for us and in that remembering He is made physically present to us in the consecrated bread and wine that have become His Body and Blood. This is the food that causes eternal life to already live within us and strengthens us to live our Christian journey with Christ. This privilege that we have is extended to our children once they have reached the age of reason. If you have a child who is in the second grade or older and has not yet made their First Holy Communion, consider joining in the First Communion preparation.
Preparation for 1st Communion
The children are currently attending classes either at St. Mary School or in PSR. Additionally there are two meetings of the parents and children and following these are activities that are to be done together to help prepare their hearts for the day when they will receive Jesus in the Eucharist and will help their understanding of the Eucharist to grow.
Preparation for Confirmation
The Sacrament of Confirmation is the one of the church’s sacraments of initiation. It is available to those in Junior High or High School or those who are older who have never had the opportunity for this outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the many gifts God sends to enrich the Church and the world.